Health Walks and Exercise Routes is a health walks directory for engaging promotion of Walking for Health and wider public health initiatives.
Plot routes and points of interest
Calculates distance, calorie burn
Location-aware features
Health Walks and Exercise Routes is designed for public health teams that want to promote active lifestyles, encourage physical activity and tackle obesity.
It can provide your organisation with a ‘turnkey’ health walks website to publish health walks and exercise routes in your locality.
Health Walks and Exercise Routes increases citizen awareness and engagement with local exercise routes through attractive presentation and interactive mapping.
Health and wellbeing teams can create inspiring route profiles and plot walking, running and cycling routes in minutes.
An easy-to-use admin system is provided for efficient creation of Health Walk profiles and routes and points of interest can be directly plotted onto a map.
Health Walks and Exercise Routes also comes with a pre-populated features picker and associated iconography to make it easy for teams to promote things such as accessible and pushchair-friendly paths.
Health walk routes are displayed on location-aware maps, enabling citizens to easily follow routes and trails on their phones when physical signage is unavailable.
Health Walks and Exercise Routes automatically calculates route distance and approximate calorie burn.
To further enhance citizen engagement with your health routes offer, integrated blogging and event promotion features are provided. These features can be used to promote things such as group walks and park runs.
Mobile-first design and location-aware maps enables citizens to follow routes on their mobile devices and identify points of interest.
Health Walks and Exercise Routes has a focus on accessibility and inclusivity and meets WCAG 2.2 ‘AA’ accessibility standards to ensure ease of use with screenreaders.
The look and feel Health Walks and Exercise Routes can be readily customised to your organisations brand by our skilled team of designers.
Engagement Website Module
Address Completion Module
Client Portal Module
Diary and Booking Module
EMIS Integration Module (excludes third party costs)
Entra ID Module (Azure Active Directory)
Flexible Form Builder Module
Mobile Worker Portal Module
Partner Portal Module
Service Directory Module
SMS Module
SystmOne Integration Module (excludes third party costs)
Theseus Data API Module
Unauthenticated Referrals Module
Vision Integration Module (excludes third party costs)