Stop smoking professional referrals and self-referrals

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Reduce data entry and increase service take-up by accepting online referrals straight onto your stop smoking caseload.

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An Unauthenticated Referrals Module facilitates secure, encrypted web forms for self-referrals into your service, as well as referrals from professionals such as GPs.

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Forms are available on standalone URLs, encrypted in transit, and can also be readily integrated with your service’s website.

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Additional modules are also available for integration with EMIS, SystmOne and Vision primary care systems for direct referrals into Theseus from GP desktops.

Automated stop smoking services quarterly monitoring return generation

Theseus: Stop Smoking is a smoking cessation management system which automatically calculates and generates the Stop Smoking Services Quarterly Monitoring Return for NHS England.

Our dedicated team ensures Theseus: Stop Smoking is always kept up-to-date and compliant with the latest version of the return.

In addition, Theseus: Stop Smoking offers granular, client-level analysis, empowering your service to drill into aggregated stop smoking data.

NHS Waiting Room [generated by AI]

Mobile stop smoking case management

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A Mobile Worker Module is available for stop smoking case management away from office and desk environments.

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The module is ideal for Tabacco Dependency Teams working with individuals in hospital settings, with easy access to case management features on mobile and tablet devices.

Professionally managed migrations

Our experienced team offers an optional data migration service from your outgoing stop smoking data management system.

Data migrations are professionally managed to safeguard data security and business continuity.

Data Migrations

Easily onboard social prescribing providers

With the Theseus social prescribing management system your partner providers can easily pick up and manage their referrals on any modern device – all they need is a data connection.

A training portal is provided for your social prescribing network, preloaded with a comprehensive collection of professional training videos.

Theseus: Social Prescribing also features delegated account management empowering partners to manage access for their team.

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Empower providers to maintain engaging service directory listings

It’s easy for your providers to populate and maintain their service directory listing offers. For example, providers can maintain multiple directory listings without duplication of content entry. There’s also features such as map pinning, category tagging, automatic image optimisation and automated prompts for providers to check information is up to date.

In addition, we can provide a social prescribing engagement website for your service to increase its profile, engage with current and prospective partners, and promote current initiatives and self-help resources.

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Key features

Flow chart diagram illustrating onwards referrals

Custom stop smoking forms

Theseus: Stop Smoking has a flexible episodic structure and a Flexible Form Builder for localised customisation by your service, e.g. for bespoke follow-ups and associated reporting.

Illustration showing line, bar and pie charts

Gold Standard Monitoring Form (GSMF)

‘Gold Standard’ stop smoking monitoring with comprehensive attributes and indicators. Record 4-week follows-up, 12-week follow-ups and Carbon Monoxide (CO) readings.

Illustration of data accuracy, showing bar charts and a magnifying glass

Stop smoking data dashboards

Insightful dashboards for Stop Smoking Advisors provide easy ‘at a glance’ access to key information. Easily track clients on caseload, follow-ups due and missing data.

Flow chart diagram illustrating onwards referrals

Stop smoking groupwork

Create and manage groupwork sessions for groups of associated clients and cohorts. Copy sessions for a period of multiple weeks and mark attendance and notes individually or in bulk.

Illustration of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

Integrated stock control features for NRT. Theseus: Stop Smoking enables Bupropion and Varenicline letter generation for patients, GPs and pharmacists.

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SMS appointment reminders

Minimise missed stop smoking appointments with our SMS Module. Automatically remind clients of upcoming appointments.

Modules included

Survey Icon

Flexible Form Builder Module

Network Users Icon

Partner Portal Module

Documents Icon

Service Directory Module

Referrals Icon

Unauthenticated Referrals Module

Optional modules

Home Icon

Address Completion Module

Holding Mobile Icon

Client Portal Module

Calender Icon

Diary and Booking Module

Data Migration Icon

EMIS Integration Module (excludes third party costs)

Desktop And Mobile Icon

Engagement Website Module

Cogs Icon

Entra ID Module (Azure Active Directory)

Laptop Coffee Outside Icon

Mobile Worker Portal Module

Chat Icon

SMS Module

Data Migration Icon

SystmOne Integration Module (excludes third party costs)

Report Api Icon

Theseus Data API Module

Data Migration Icon

Vision Integration Module (excludes third party costs)

Enquire today and find out how Theseus solutions can empower your organisation with effective caseload management.
